Environmental, Social and Governance Updates
City Holding Company (“City”) recognizes that a healthy, sustainable future requires environmental stewardship and commits to increasing our environmental performance and reducing our carbon footprint.
City’s Environmental and Climate Risk Policy
City Holding Company (“City”) believes that a healthy, sustainable future requires environmental stewardship and is committed to increasing our environmental performance and reducing our carbon footprint. Led by the Board of Directors, CEO and Executive Management, we make this commitment to serve our shareholders, communities, and employees, by doing what we can to keep our environment healthy and sustainable. City believes all people deserve equal access to clean air, water, and a safe and healthy environment. We are committed to reducing our corporate carbon footprint and addressing the environmental challenges faced by our communities. Our environmental stewardship efforts align with and support well-recognized and respected frameworks and guidance. We support the American Bankers’ Association’s statement that, “America’s banks recognize the global challenge posed by climate change… [we look to] engage with policy makers to find common sense, market-based solutions to these issues. By joining together with our industry peers in this effort, we can ensure that our member banks can participate in the transition in ways that make the most sense for their businesses, their customers and their communities.”1
Addressing Climate Change
City recognizes that addressing climate change is important to our customers, shareholders, and employees. Over the past several years, we have been successful in our energy conservation and sustainability efforts, including reducing our energy consumption, increasing our use of renewable energy, reducing paper, eliminating single-use plastics, and managing our risks associated with environmental performance. We have more to do, and we are committed to achieving our environmental objectives. Our commitment to reducing the impact of climate change includes the following actions:
- Incorporating environmental goals into the methods we use to build and renovate our buildings;
- Standardizing equipment efficiency standards across our footprint;
- Increasing our equipment’s ENERGY STAR scores for City facilities;
- Working to measure and monitor environmental performance;
- Engaging and educating City employees on sustainability on a continuing basis;
- Continuing our ongoing project to reduce paper consumption by encouraging employees to print less and offering paperless alternatives to customers;
- Continuing to promote employee ride-share efforts; and
- Continuing to implement recycling programs throughout City facilities.
Addressing Climate Risk
City acknowledges the focused effort that will be required to address climate risk, and commits to the following actions:
- City’s Board of Directors will monitor shareholder demands related to climate change and will provide oversight of our strategy around ESG program strategy and alignment;
- City’s CEO and Executive Leadership Team will provide strategic direction for our environmental footprint reduction programs and will drive accountability throughout the organization; and
- City’s Executive Leadership Team will continue to ensure successful implementation of energy reduction efforts, utilizing industry best practices, and identifying areas of additional opportunity for City.
Approach to Sustainable Procurement
As part of City’s commitment to reducing emissions throughout our footprint, City’s Vendor Management Team regularly evaluates potential service providers for their ESG commitments and ability to positively impact our operations. We encourage our service providers to also help to protect their people and the planet in their work and at their facilities. With respect to our facilities, we continue to increase our use of environmentally sustainable products to ensure we provide safe and healthy spaces for our employees and customers. We have integrated greener product selections and have worked towards better energy and water efficiency.
Other sustainable initiatives led by our Executive Leadership Team include:
- Where appropriate, evaluate reuse of existing structures and infrastructure for reuse as retail branches compared with demolition and rebuilding;
- Utilization of exterior materials, such as masonry and glass, for retail branches which are durable and nontoxic, the majority of which are sourced regionally; and
- Use of efficient LED lighting.
We also work with our cleaning service providers to demonstrate a commitment to the environment.
Transparency and Accountability
City recognizes this Environmental Policy Statement as the first step toward an expanding commitment for environmental responsibility. Climate change is a serious issue, and we are committed to doing our part on the journey to manage and mitigate our company’s environmental impact. Our objectives are to create awareness about our environmental commitments among our employees and be transparent and accountable to shareholders for our progress over time.
To achieve these objectives, we will ensure that this Policy Statement is implemented throughout our organization by creating awareness of our initiatives to our employees.
City’s commitment to environmental sustainability practices, which lower our carbon footprint and reduce our impacts on climate change, is part of our culture of making people’s lives better and strengthening the communities we serve. We value the trust and confidence of our employees, customers, and shareholders, and pledge to make progress on our environmental sustainability journey.
City’s Energy Data
City Holding Company’s Energy Usage
Total usage at the Operations Center in 2024:
Electricity: 16,319,000 kwh
Water: 379,800 gallons
Sewer: 365,050 gallons
Natural Gas: 0 mcf
City maintains a Code of Conduct and Ethics that sets forth the ethical principles and standards that all directors, officers and employees should adhere to in both their corporate and personal conduct. The Code of Conduct informs employees of their responsibilities regarding conflicts of interest, the prohibition on trading on inside information, how to protect the confidentiality of both City and customer information, gifts and entertainment from our customers and vendors and how to promote a work environment in which all employees and customers are treated with respect and decency. City also has an Anti-Fraud Policy that addresses the potential for fraud, what constitutes fraud and how to prevent or detect fraud. All employees are asked to review the Code of Conduct and the Anti-Fraud Policy on an annual basis and are also required to participate in annual training on these policies. Both the Code of Conduct and the Anti-Fraud Policy require employees to promptly report any concerns related to potential fraud or violations of law, regulation or the Code of Conduct. Concerns and complaints can be reported to an employee’s manager, the Human Resources Department, or the Audit Committee. Employees can also submit a complaint anonymously through our ethics hotline and website. The hotline and website are hosted by a third party and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Complaints are referred to our Human Resources Department, who coordinates and conducts investigations and escalates significant violations to management and our Audit Committee, as needed. We prohibit any retaliation or discrimination against an individual for reporting a concern or complaint or participating in an investigation.
See City Holding Company’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Statement below.
City’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Statement
As societal demographics change, our company must remain intentional in how we engage, develop, retain and attract talent in order to create a more inclusive environment. At City National Bank (“City”), we are committed to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI). Supporting diversity in our workplace, community outreach, and in our suppliers/vendors is important at City. As a leading financial institution, we must model inclusive behaviors, show respect for all individuals and appreciate differences between people.
Every colleague contributes to our organization by using and exhibiting their unique talents and individual experiences arising from their diverse backgrounds. We evidence the core value of inclusion by embracing each colleague’s uniqueness. Our commitment to inclusion is our commitment to each person individually. We want every employee and business colleague to feel valued, respected and heard because we believe that our differences add value to the organization. Appreciating these rich differences informs how we cultivate the best ideas and develop the best innovations for maintaining City as a leader in customer service, profitability and community involvement.
Skip Hageboeck
President and CEO, City National Bank and City Holding Company
Dallas Kayser
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Human Rights Statement
City supports fundamental principles of human rights across all our business activities. At City, we subscribe to a way of operating that enhances the competitiveness and profitability of the company while simultaneously being a conscientious leader and supporter in the communities where we operate and beyond. We are committed to our purpose of making lives better, helping businesses thrive, and strengthening the communities we serve. Our colleagues’ efforts to better serve our customers and their financial needs, in turn, enable the strength and growth of our communities and the success of our business. Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion reflects an understanding and acceptance of diverse points of view, abilities, backgrounds, and experiences. This commitment applies to every aspect of our business, and we firmly stand against discrimination and harassment of any type with regard to race, color, religion, age, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws.
Additionally, each City employee and the members of City’s Board of Directors are governed by codes of business ethics that outline how we desire to behave. These codes serve as the ethical compass and a powerful guide to decision-making across the organization. These codes provide guidance and resources to help avoid unethical behavior, conflicts of interest, any appearance of impropriety, and creates a meaningful connection to our mission, vision, and values. On an annual basis, all City Employees and Officers are required to complete online training and acknowledge that they have read, understood, and will comply with the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.
Members of City’s Board of Directors are also bound by their own Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and acknowledge and attest the same each year. Anyone who violates the Code or otherwise fails to follow our ethical and professional standards may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including, termination of employment or business relationship.
City strives to support our markets and communities in a responsible manner, contributing to an environment of economic stability and sustainable growth. We also expect our vendors to embrace appropriate social, environmental, and ethical responsibilities. We recognize that respecting and supporting human rights requires ongoing leadership and effort. Below are just some of the things that City does to ensure that our actions reflect our values every day and that we are unwavering in our commitment to the promotion of
human rights:
- Offering equal employment opportunity
- Committing to our colleagues to provide diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in our workplace
- Committing to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility within how we interact with our customers, as well as within the services we provide
- Committing to providing a respectful, safe and secure work environment for all colleagues
- Conducting our business in accordance with applicable workplace laws and regulations related to the prohibition of discrimination, retaliation and harassment
- Ensuring the safety, health and protection of all of our colleagues
- Encouraging colleagues to raise concerns, ask questions and report potential policy violations or suspicious behaviors, without fear of retaliation, using multiple available resources including a confidential 24-hour Ethics Hotline which provides the option of reporting anonymously
- Requiring the completion of annual training by our colleagues on many topics related to promoting a workplace free from unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation.
A Culture of Inclusion
Through our Board of Directors and our executive leadership, we hold ourselves accountable for creating and maintaining a culture of inclusion. The strategy, policy and direction of City’s activities is set by the Board of Directors within an annual Strategic Plan that is developed and supported by leaders at all levels of our organization.
Our Commitment to Affirmative Action
Our policy of affirmative action facilitates the placement of qualified women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans at all levels of the organization. Through our affirmative action plans, we identify the good faith efforts the organization will take to achieve the appropriate representation of women and minorities in our workforce. Our affirmative action plans include targeted research, detailed information regarding recruitment, and detailed methods of compliance with all federal, state and local affirmative action laws and regulations.
All managers are responsible for complying with federal affirmative action regulations. This includes complying with site-specific affirmative action plans and ensuring that there are no artificial barriers to the advancement of qualified women, minorities, veterans and people with disabilities anywhere in our company. These annual plans are monitored by Senior Management, the Human Resources Department, and the Federal Government.
Supplier Diversity
City is committed to economic inclusion through expanding relationships with diverse business enterprises that are owned by, or support through its conduct, minorities, women, members of the LGBT community, disabled individuals, and veterans. We believe that an inclusive supplier base fosters a better understanding of the needs of the marketplace. Working together, we can contribute toward economic development, job creation and stronger communities.
City is committed to developing supplier relationships that help drive efficiency and profitability across the City organization, including its subsidiaries and affiliated entities. City is committed to the communities it serves and has developed sourcing strategies with consideration to local, minority, women, LGBT, disability and veteran owned businesses. City awards business to its suppliers through a competitive process, based on the best overall value to City, including quality, experience, capability, diversity, local community commitment, price and relationship.
Supplier Risk Management and Performance
In compliance with regulatory guidelines and leading business practices, City conducts initial and ongoing risk evaluations of its suppliers. Initial due diligence reviews of potential suppliers are based upon the scope of services to be provided and the potential risk to City associated with these services. Due diligence reviews are performed in an effort to:
- Understand goals and objectives surrounding the proposed engagement in conjunction with direct costs in addition to other indirect operational costs
- Validate that activities: (i) be conducted in a safe and sound manner; (ii) comply with regulatory guidance; and (iii) remain in line with industry leading business practices
- Identify, assess, quantify and mitigate risks that may be associated with services to be provided
- Understand how a supplier’s performance expectations will be actively managed at the time of contract initiation and on an ongoing basis.
Requests made to potential suppliers may include, but are not limited to:
- Participating in a Request for Information (RFI), Request for Proposal (RFP), reverse auction and/or other method of supplier selection
- Completing risk questionnaire surveys to review risk areas determined to be applicable to the service
- Reviewing supporting documentation and/or on-site review to validate responses to surveys
- Presenting a product, service, technology and/or system architecture overview, as applicable
- Providing names of clients to be contacted as reference checks
- Supplying proof of employee background checks, as applicable
- Providing minority or veteran-owned certifications, as applicable
City’s Vendor Management team and Legal Department collaborate with its business segments to develop robust supplier risk and performance management plans. In accordance with regulatory guidance, these plans include an evaluation of risks inherent to a particular product or service and the control environment established by the supplier, as well as a defined process to periodically monitor the supplier’s performance. Supplier risk and performance management plans may include on-site visits to a supplier location, periodic review of the effectiveness of security and disaster recovery policies, ongoing monitoring of a company’s financial health, review of audit reports and other evidence of effectiveness of internal or external controls, and evaluation of service level agreements and key performance indicators.
Supplier Inclusion
City knows that inclusion is key to innovation, which is why it has created an inclusive culture, where everyone’s resources are recognized and considered in achieving City’s goals. As outlined in detail above, City’s extensive Vendor Management Program serves to identify and eliminate barriers for impactful supplier diversity execution. This collaborative approach is designed to increase business capacity and opportunities for diverse companies within each business segment.
City’s Human Rights and Labor Standards Policy
Policy Summary and Scope
At City National Bank (“City”) we respect human and labor rights standards, through our commitment to the principles of the United States Department of Labor and all local laws where we do business. This includes prohibitions against discrimination, employing underage children, slavery, human trafficking, forced labor and any form of physical punishment or abuse. Furthermore, City recognizes individuals’ right to water, freedom of association, right to collective budgeting, equal pay and privacy. This policy applies to all City employees acting on behalf of City.
City’s Human and Labor Rights Policy and Code of Business Conduct are aligned with the values in the USDOL and stress our commitment to human and labor rights. We are committed to fair, ethical and responsible business practices, as we engage with our employees, consumers, customers, vendors and communities globally.
As responsible information stewards, City recognizes the importance of privacy and security in an individual’s life, including data privacy.
Prohibition on Discrimination
We are committed to an inclusive workplace environment free from acts of discrimination and harassment and make all employment decisions based on job-related qualifications without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, medical condition, physical appearance, marital status, national origin, ancestry, alienage or citizenship status, pregnancy, ethnicity, religion/creed, disability, genetic information, military or veteran status, marital or familial status, status as a victim of domestic violence, stalking or sex offenses, or any other category protected by applicable law (“protected characteristics”).
Minimum Wage
We comply with local minimum wage laws.
Prohibition on Child Labor
We abide by local child labor laws and do not use or condone unlawful child labor in any circumstance.
Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking
We do not use forced or compulsory labor. All employment is voluntary. Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labor, and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another for personal or commercial gain. City has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships.
This policy and the program will be reviewed and overseen for effective implementation, continuous improvements and monitoring by stakeholders in Human Resources, Legal, and other interested parties.
Employee Engagement
It is our expectation that employees participate in company-wide activities and programs intended to inform, obtain feedback, meet with leaders and colleagues and encourage team building. There are robust opportunities for employees to provide feedback, such as regular employee engagement surveys, regular and systematic employee training, meetings, and exit
surveys, among others.
Communication and Training
All employees are expected to comply with this Human Rights and Labor Policy. In furtherance of this, managers and employees receive written policies and/or training on a number of human rights and labor related issues which may include equal employment opportunity, anti-harassment, Code of Business Conduct compliance, anti-corruption, and privacy. Furthermore, employees benefit from career growth trainings and opportunities.
Employees may report any concerns related to known or suspected violations to this policy through the regular procedures established by City, contacting their immediate Supervisor or by calling the Hotline. The City Hotline and Online Hotline are third-party managed services. The Hotlines are available to City employees to report business conduct that is suspicious, illegal, unethical, or in any manner does not conform to the behaviors described in the City Code of Business Conduct. For more information on City’s Hotline, including the list of phone numbers and reporting mechanisms, see City’s Employee Handbook.
City’s Vendor & Supplier Code of Conduct
City Holding Company and its affiliates (City National Bank) prides itself on maintaining the highest ethical standards and commitment to our core values which include integrity, teamwork and collaboration, respect and inclusion, and accountability.
We rely on vendors and suppliers for a variety of products and services to support our company and the successful delivery of products and services to our customers. Developing sound vendor and supplier relationships helps us to continue to improve our performance and market position, and to uphold our responsibilities to our customers, employees, and communities.
City’s Vendor and Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) sets forth City’s expectations for ethical, human rights, labor, and environmental standards throughout our vendor and supplier network. It is expected that City’s vendors and suppliers demonstrate the same level of commitment to ethical business practices. To avoid any ethical conflict, we ask for our vendors and suppliers’ full adherence to this code and assurance that it is communicated to the appropriate officers and employees within your organization. Our vendors and suppliers are required to uphold these responsible business practices throughout the supply chain by encouraging the same of their next level suppliers. Vendors and suppliers are expected to comply with the content of this Code, along with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards of the States and Countries both in which they are headquartered, and in which business is conducted. Vendors and suppliers may be asked to provide a written attestation agreeing that they have read, understand, and will abide by the terms of this Code. If this Code is incorporated by reference into any Vendor or Supplier agreement, then that agreement will be self-supporting as evidence of attestation. This Code covers the following areas: Being a City Partner, Business Ethics, Risk Management, Labor, Human Rights, and Social Responsibility and Environmental Management and Sustainability.
Being a City Partner
At City, we believe that strong vendor and supplier relationships are key to our ability to deliver value to our customers. Vendors and suppliers play a critical role in helping City achieve its business objectives by supplying the quality products and services that allow us to remain efficient and innovative. We are interested in the value vendors and suppliers can bring to our company. We not only want to know what products and services they offer, but we also want to be sure our relationship will be a good fit for their business and ours.
Business Ethics
We expect our vendors and suppliers to aspire to the highest standards of integrity in their business dealings. A fundamental part of our commitment to integrity is adhering to the letter and the spirit of applicable laws, regulations, and policies. In no case, shall a vendor or supplier use illegal or unethical means or methods when acting on behalf of City. We expect our vendors and suppliers to adhere to the
following expectations:
- Fair and Honest Dealings: Vendors and suppliers should disclose any potential conflicts of interest before initiating their relationship with City, or as soon as the vendor or supplier becomes aware of a conflict after initiating a relationship, and we expect fair competition among our potential vendors, suppliers, contractors, and subcontractors.
- Gifts and Entertainment: Vendors and suppliers may not offer or provide gifts or entertainment to City employees while an RFP is pending or in such an amount or frequency that could give the appearance of a conflict of interest.
- Raising Concerns: We expect our vendors and suppliers to provide a healthy working environment where their employees can report concerns or misconduct in good faith without fear of retaliation.
- Reporting: Vendors or suppliers must report, in writing, any information regarding conduct that is inconsistent with City’s Vendor and Supplier Code of Conduct. All written reporting should be sent directly to: City Holding Company – General Counsel, 25 Gatewater Road, Cross Lanes, West Virginia 25313.
- Complying with Laws, Regulations, and Policies: City is committed to full adherence with all laws, regulations, and policies, as such we expect all vendors and suppliers to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies.
- Anti-Money Laundering: Vendors and suppliers must not finance terrorists or those engaged in illicit activities, including: money launderers, international narcotics traffickers, and those engaged in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Vendors and suppliers must comply with anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing laws, rules, and regulations.
- Bribery, Fraud, Embezzlement: Vendors and suppliers must refrain from bribery, fraud, embezzlement, extortion, or similar action as well as unfair or deceptive acts or practices.
- Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices: Vendors and suppliers must treat our customers fairly and lawfully and refrain from engaging in any unfair, deceptive, or abusive act or practice.
Risk Management
City is committed to remaining financially strong and resilient as well as protecting our clients and reputation. In the normal course of business, City may incorporate vendors and supplier solutions into our processes. Both customers and regulators expect us to manage these outsourcing arrangements so that services are delivered seamlessly. Ineffective or misaligned vendor or supplier practices can lead to negative consequences for our customers, our company, and our communities. Risk management is a core component of City’s onboarding process and our ongoing relationships. As good stewards of City’s assets, and responsible businesspeople, we require potential vendors and suppliers to fulfill their obligations with the same level of care and diligence that we would. We seek to maintain appropriate controls related to outsourced arrangements through a pre-execution structured due diligence process, as well as, post-execution ongoing monitoring, including business continuity and financial health testing where appropriate.
- Operational Risk: Vendors and suppliers are expected to maintain an operational risk management framework corresponding with their risk profile, including the identification of processes and risk, design and execution of controls, and ongoing monitoring and reporting. As such, City may require its vendors or suppliers to provide information about operational risk management. In addition, vendors and suppliers are required to escalate timely material operational risks that may impact City or our customers.
- Business Continuity: Vendors and suppliers must maintain a comprehensive business continuity program that addresses the loss of the facilities, technology, or human capital necessary to support City.
- Privacy and Data Protection: City expects its vendors and suppliers to protect all of its data, including customer information, under applicable privacy, information security, and data protection laws, regulations, and industry standards.
Labor, Human Rights and Social Responsibility
At City, we consider human rights paramount, and we work to preserve human rights throughout our company and our vendor and supplier population. We apply these principles to our employees, vendors, suppliers, clients, communities, and other stakeholders. City does not tolerate corruption, discrimination, harassment, intimidation for any reason, or forced or child labor or slavery in any form. We expect our vendors and suppliers to take all necessary measures to address human rights issues within their operations. These measures may include:
- Occupational Health and Safety: Provision of a safe and hygienic working environment through proactive management and controls that minimize health and safety risks and support accident prevention for all personnel, bearing in mind the prevailing knowledge of the industry, the requirements of local health and safety laws, and any specific hazards, wherever personnel perform duties, such as, factories, warehouses, workshops, offices, vehicles, external facilities or other work, dining, and recreational spaces. Additionally, vendors and suppliers will provide and maintain for all personnel and stakeholders a work environment that meets or exceeds applicable federal, country, state, provincial and municipal laws regulating occupational safety and health.
- Freely Chosen Employment: Ensuring that all work is completed voluntarily and without slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor, and human trafficking.
- Avoidance of Child Labor: Child labor should not be employed. The term ‘child’ refers to any person less than 15 years of age unless the minimum age for work or mandatory schooling is stipulated as being higher by local law, in which case the stipulated higher age applies in that locality.
- Working Hours: Working hours must be limited according to national or local law, including breaks.
- Wages and Benefits: Being responsible for employee compensation and payment of fair wages. All employees should be paid a fair wage commensurate with prevailing industry conditions or the minimum wage, whichever is higher. Any overtime should be compensated appropriately.
- Avoidance of Discrimination and Harassment: Promoting a workplace free from discrimination, harassment (sexual, physical, mental), victimization, or any other form of inappropriate behavior or abuse on any grounds (including, but not limited to: age, disability, ethnic origin, gender, gender identity, nationality, marital status, parental status, physical appearance, political convictions, pregnancy, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, social origin or status, economic status, union affiliation or employment status–salaried or hourly, full-time, part-time, seasonal, intern).
- Grievance: Demonstration of formal mechanisms allowing employee grievances regarding human and labor rights violations to be properly filed addressed and resolved without fear of perceived or actual retaliation.
- Whistle-blowing and Anti-Retaliation: Demonstration of formal mechanisms allowing employees to raise concerns of operational or business practices that violate laws, regulations, or company values and for the concerns to be properly filed addressed and resolved without the fear of retaliation.
- Diversity: City views diversity and inclusion as a goal of our business.
Environmental Management and Sustainability
At City, our Core Value of Taking Accountability requires that we recognize and hold ourselves accountable for the potential impact that our operations, lending, and investment decisions have on communities and the environment.
Environmental sustainability is essential to the success of our business and to the health of the communities where we live and serve. We expect our vendors and suppliers to operate with this principle in mind, and to make every effort to measure, reduce and mitigate the environmental impacts of their operations, especially in the areas of: energy, water, paper usage, greenhouse gas emissions and waste generation. Vendors and suppliers should conduct their operations and business in a way that protects the environment. We expect vendors and suppliers to understand their environmental impact and pursue actions that will allow City and our communities to thrive in the future. Vendors and suppliers must also comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
Vendor Supplier and Monitoring
City may conduct annual compliance surveys or ad hoc requests to confirm compliance with this Vendor and Supplier Code of Conduct. However, City expects that vendors and suppliers will actively audit and monitor their own day-to-day management processes concerning the Code of Conduct and provide evidence upon request.
City’s governance statement, as well as a number of disclosures related to City’s governance program are furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies to be used at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of City Holding Company. The most recent meeting was held on Wednesday, April 24, 2024.